Dinner, Dancing, Sneezing & Sweating, Thankfully Not All In One Day

Last Friday, I woke up feeling full of cold. Great, just in time for the weekend, but I was determined not to let it get the better of me. I’ve been taking a long hard look at my to-do list and chopped it up a bit. I want to give myself the option to take … Continue reading Dinner, Dancing, Sneezing & Sweating, Thankfully Not All In One Day

How I Abandoned An Old Attitude By Allowing Myself To Be Miserable

It had a surprising outcome We're halfway through the week! These days, I'm not sure if it's something to celebrate, as time seems to be moving far too fast. At the weekend, I hit a bit of a wall. I felt like I had very little positivity left in my tank and it really irked … Continue reading How I Abandoned An Old Attitude By Allowing Myself To Be Miserable

Why Being Open And Honest With Yourself And Others Will Change Your Life

Its a small step, for a big reward I had other plans for today’s post. I sat down this morning to read another chapter of The Power of Focus, I read something I just had to share. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. … Continue reading Why Being Open And Honest With Yourself And Others Will Change Your Life

The bigger picture I share whats been happening this week, my top 10 horror films, 20 things that make me happy and this brilliant post from @thirdeyethoughts Subscribe here