Birthday Bleugh

The husband decided to provide some feedback on my last block post. To summarise, he didn’t like how I had tried to condense what I was trying to say, he said it felt rushed and didn’t have the same personality as my usual blog posts. I wouldn’t mind, but that blog post took me bloody … Continue reading Birthday Bleugh

Film recommendation

Whilst I was feeling sorry for myself on Sunday night we saw this was on @skytv I absolutely love the people just do nothing series and the movie was just as good! It really cheered me up! #peoplejustdonothing #tvshows #tv #tvshow #tvseries #movies #series #television #movie #film #comedy #funny #films

All birthday’d out

Today I am still suffering the after effects of the birthday celebrations, I don’t suffer with the traditional hangover like headaches and sickness. For me it’s more mental torture. After feeling on top of the world last week, I spent yesterday feeling fuzzy and exhausted and today swinging between tears and anger.I decided not to … Continue reading All birthday’d out