Friday thoughts

Friday 8th May 2020

I actually lay in today and I enjoy it. I think I actually get up about 10am. The husband makes me breakfast and I loaf around a bit before getting myself on the sun lounger in the garden.

I’ve decided to change my weekly weigh in day back to Saturday, it seems to work better for me as Saturday is usually the day we get a takeway (when I’m not having mental breakdowns that is) so by having Saturday as my start day, I have the rest of the week to adjust my calories to fit around my enjoyable Saturday night. Despite having a horrific week food and drink wise, I feel pretty determined to get my head back in the game, allowing myself those few days of taking my foot off the pedal has really helped.

I take my LOA planner into the garden, with a non alcoholic beer and roughly plan my week. Some ideas for lunches and breakfasts so I know what calories I have left to play with each day. I also write my weekly goals; This week they are

  • Stay within my calories for the week
  • Drink 2 Litres per day (water, not wine)
  • Do 4 workouts
  • No alcohol Monday – Wednesday
  • 5000 Steps per day

I really want to come out of this lockdown looking and feeling better about myself, eating pizza & drinking wine is not going to do that.

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