Self Care Sunday

Sunday 12th January

Last night I got 9 hours sleep! Total bliss! The husband goes off to take the boys to play football. I snuggle back down in bed & Toby joins me.

Today is the return of self care Sunday! I spend the morning chilling on the sofa lazily watching TV, when the husband returns I make us some lunch and then he goes upstairs to do some decorating and I run myself a nice bubble bath, I put a treatment on my hair and listen to the relaxing tales of the true Crime podcast.

After my bath I put on a face mask, this is a rubber one, well it’s liquid and dries to a rubbery texture. Weird. Can’t say I see any benefit from this right now.

My loaf tin arrived last night so I decide to give Lucy Lords banana loaf a go. It’s in the oven for an hour smelling bloody delicious! I can’t wait to eat it!! It tastes Devine, how am I going to resist eating the whole lot?

My reward arrives, I met my weekly goal of staying in calorie deficit for the week, I still had 223 calories to spare. When I meet my weekly goal, which I set each Saturday, I also put my reward down with it, this week it was a book from my amazon wish list, I chose The Fitness chef book. If you haven’t heard of him, give his insta a follow or better still get this book, he smashes all of those ridiculous diet myths with facts, using infographs and pictures, you will never diet again! A lot of which I’ve picked up from JSA & Pippa also.

Lifestyle #Blogging #SelfCare #SelfLove #Positivity #Wellness #blog #blogger #bloggers #selfcaresunday #bananabread #rewards @jamessmithpt @pippamckean @thefitnesschef_

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